viking antiquities Price Guide

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old antique iron viking sword     Completed    $3200
Sword of the Viking. The Vikings. Combat Sword.     Completed    $3051.55
antique helmet - Scythians , 6th century gilding     Completed    $2800
Scythian helmet. Scythians. 8-9 century. Bronze.     Completed    $2550
Viking Caroling Sword - original     Completed    $2550
rare viking frankish sword blade sax 8° - 9°     Completed    $2550
Golden 8th century ad Viking Bracteate     Completed    $2486.01
ancient bronze arrowheads     Completed    $2300
Roman Dagger - PUGIO 41,5 cm 1 th AD Original 114     Completed    $2151
Medieval GOLD Ring with enamel 15th C. !!!!!     Completed    $2026.01
VIKING IRON HELMET 1000 AD     Completed    $1658
Scythians-8th helmet bronze-buy in. collections     Completed    $1648
Original Viking Carolling Sword     Completed    $1625
Nice rare bronze Viking bearhead fibula. Sweden     Completed    $1625
viking sword medieval sword     Completed    $1555
sword handle stones - rubies = exclusive     Completed    $1525
RARE VIKING PENDANT - THOR'S HAMMER (#A 30)     Completed    $1426
Viking Iron Helmet''s Broken     Completed    $1425
Helmet-XI - XIII centuries -Scythians-original     Completed    $1358.33
SAXON `LOOPED` GOLD FINGER RING     Completed    $1324.99
Viking Caroling Sword - original     Completed    $1250
Medieval garnet gold ring, circa 15th century     Completed    $1225
Viking sword-100% original,91 cm     Completed    $1225
Ancient Viking's Bronze Fibula Brooch RARE!!!     Completed    $1215
Scythian armor-5 century-extremely rare     Completed    $1197
sword viking, helmet     Completed    $1125
Viking Caroling Sword - original     Completed    $1125

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